Publications in New Zealand
Other publications in NZ
Chris Corne: Essai de grammaire du créole mauricien. 1970. 59pp. Medium 4to. $NZ10.00.
Aubrey Parke: Rotuman idioms: Fäeag ‘es Füaga. 1971. 59 pp. Medium 4to. $NZ10.00.
Bruce Biggs: A Mele-Fila vocabulary. 1975. 79 pp. A5. $NZ10.00.
Ross Clark: Aspects of Proto-Polynesian syntax. 1976. 129pp. A5. $NZ15.00.
Ray Harlow: A word-list of South Island Maori. 2nd rev. ed. 1987. xxxii, 114pp. A5. $NZ22.00.
K.J. Hollyman: De Muna Fagauvea I Dictionnaire fagauvea-français. 1987. 271 pp. 148 x 240mm. $NZ39.50.
Te Reo Reprints
David Thomas (ed.): Papers on four Vietnamese languages. 1966. 34pp. Crown 4to. repr. $NZ5.00.
Special Publications
Allan Bell & Koenraad Kuiper (eds.): New Zealand English. 2000. 366pp. $NZ15.00 (plus postage for overseas orders)
Jim Hollyman & Andrew Pawley (eds.): Studies in Pacific languages and cultures in honour of Bruce Biggs. 1981. 392pp., portrait. A5. $NZ30.00.
Chris Corne & Andrew Pawley (eds.): Le coq et le cagou. Essays on French & Pacific languages in honour of Jim Hollyman. 1986. 317pp., portrait. A5. (=Te Reo, 29.) $NZ20.00
Ray Harlow & Robin Hooper (eds.): VICAL1: Oceanic Languages: Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. 1989. vi, 631pp. A5. $NZ80.00.
Ray Harlow (ed.): VICAL2:Western Austronesian and Contact Languages: Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. 1991. vi, 478pp. A5. $NZ60.00.
Members’ contributions to journals
E-book of 2004 Society & Language conference
“Researching Language Use and Language Users”
edited by Janet Holmes, Margaret Maclagan, Paul Kerswill and Martin Paviour-Smith. Follow this link: E-book