About the Journal Te Reo

Te Reo is the Journal of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand. The words Te Reo constitute the Māori term for ‘the language’ or ‘language’. The Journal is published annually and has been running for 60 years. It is a peer-reviewed journal with strong representation in the fields of Austronesian linguistics and more recently, New Zealand English. However, it welcomes contributions in all areas of linguistics and from linguists worldwide (no affiliation to a New Zealand institution is necessary). We are a Platinum journal, also affiliated with the Linguistics in Open Access (LingOA) network.

ISSN 2703-4135

It is not a requirement that authors be members of the Linguistic Society of New Zealand but, of course, we hope that you may consider joining it anyway. The journal publishes (free-of-charge) open access articles on a rolling basis and all manuscripts are reviewed within 3 months from submission.

We publish a wide range of research outputs:

  • Research Article (original research findings, max. 15,000 words)
  • Overview Article (review of a research topic, max 15,000 words)
  • Squib (shorter articles, max 5,000 words)
  • Article + Commentary
  • Book review* (review of a single book, max 3,000 words)
  • Book notice* (book notice of a single book, max 500 words)
  • Review article (multiple books together, max 6,000 words)
  • Poster (winning poster from the Annual NZ Linguistics Conference).

* If you wish to either write a review or have a book reviewed please contact our Book Review Editor.


The journal was first published in print (only) form in 1958 and from 2018, we switched to online and open access. See here for more about its history.

Journal Te Reo

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Conference 2024 (University of Canterbury)

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