To be held at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ
in the International Year of Indigenous Language
28-29 November 2019
A pre-conference workshop will be held on the 27 November. The topic will be open science practices for linguists – including pre-registration, sharing your data and analysis, science communication. Click here for a link to information about the pre-conference workshop.
The final revised programme is available here. Please note the earlier finish on Friday: Ling Soc 2019 programme
Registration is now available at this link – registration is $140 for academics/waged and $55 for students/unwaged. The registration includes lunches and morning and afternoon teas. There is no charge for attending the pre-conference workshops on 27 November. The conference dinner, to be held on the evening of Thursday 28th will be $50. Accommodation information is available below.